Preserve the Tradition Museum

A one-of-a-kind museum showcasing hundreds of wildlife species from six continents, beautifully displayed in a world-class exhibit hall accessible to young or old.

Affiliated Organizations

"Preserve the Tradition" Museum of Natural History would like to express our closely shared goals and objectives with the following list of Organizations.

We support these organizations commitment to the "Preservation", "Education", and "Conservation" of our Natural Resources. We would recommend researching the following organizations and become a supporter and/or member. (The Museum is not an authorized representative of these organizations.)

Barr Taxidermy...
"Craft honed through 46 years of practice."

DU - Ducks
"Conservation Today, Wetlands for Tomorrow"

Flyway Taxidermy...
"2009 and 2011 Best in World Waterfowl Champion Taxidermist."

FNAWS - Foundation for North American
"Personal involvement and financial commitment of our members in the on going quest to put and keep sheep on the mountain."

PF - Pheasants
"The Habitat Organization"

MDHA - Minnesota Deer Hunters
"Working for tomorrow’s wildlife and hunters today."

PHCT - Pioneer Heritage Conservation Trust...  
"Promote long-term stewardship of the land and its related resources."

MOHA - Minnesota Outdoor Heritage
"Our Mission is to protect and guarantee the right to pursue the time-honored traditions of hunting and fishing…"

MNDNR - Minnesota Department of Natural
"Our Mission is to work with citizens to conserve and manage the state’s natural resources"

MNSCI - Minnesota Safari Club International
"Minnesota’s First for Hunters"

MWA - Minnesota Waterfowl
"preservation, creation, and restoration of wildlife habitat in Minnesota"

NRA - National Rifle
"promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis"

NWTF - North American Wild Turkey
"Conservation of the Wild Turkey and Preservation of our Hunting Heritage"

WWP - Wounded Warriors Project...
"Provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members."


Our History

What's With Our Name?

Notes on the Collection


Copyright 2021 Preserve the Tradition Museum.
Website design by AMS.