Find Us
Directions to Preserve the Tradition Museum, located at 10788 285th Avenue, Dalton, MN 56324 - midway between Ashby and Dalton.
If traveling on I-94, Dalton exit is west of the Museum and Ashby exit is east of the Museum.
From Dalton:
Drive southeast on County Road 82 toward 120th Street. - 2.1 miles
Turn right at 12oth St. - 0.5 mile
If you reach 295th Avenue you've gone about 0.8 miles too far.
Turn left onto 285th Avenue. - 1.4 miles
Preserve the Tradition Museum is on the left.
From Ashby:
Drive west on County Road 82 NW - 2.1 miles
Turn slight left onto 100th St./ County Road 56/ County Road 26
- 3.0 miles
Turn right onto 285th Avenue.
- 0.6 mile
Preserve the Tradition Museum is on the right.